I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 - 1945

1.1.45 Officer Positions. Stand

Abt.Kdr. SS-Stubaf Meierdress.
1 Kp. SS-Hstuf Balzer
2 Kp. SS-Ostuf v.Kogel
3 Kp. SS-Herbatschek
4 Kp. SS-Ostuf v.Kleist
Advance along the Danube bank road during the early morning hours.  Later I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 enters DUNAALMAS, were SS-Stubaf Meierdress is killed when a concealed SU-85 SPG from the 1438 SP.Art.Rgt, attached to the 170 Tank Brigade (18th Tank Corps), fires a round into the rear of the turret killing all the turret crew, only the driver and radio operator survive. Panther I03 from the Stabs.Kp fires one round into the SU-85, setting the vehicle on fire. Panther I01 is later recovered and towed to ACS for repairs.
The Panther Abteilung advances along the NYERGESFJALA-BAJOT road comes under Russian air attack from IL-2 of the 10th Assault Air Corps(17th Air Army).
SS-Ostuf. Ernst takes command of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3. During the day the Abteilung advances along the road from BAJNA to SZOMOR.
Attack on SZOMOR from the North West.
The Abteilung takes up defensive positions South West of SZOMOR.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 with 10 Panther tries to outflank Russian positions to the South of SZOMOR. The Panthers reach FELSO-ENES, MANY road junction. The advance stops due to very heavy Russian defensive fire.
The Abteilung remains in the area of SZOMOR until the 14.1.45, where it is redeployed into the area of BERHIDA on the 17.1.45.
Assembly in the area of BERHIDA .
The Panther of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 try to cross the SARVIZ Canal at the first attempt near FALUBATTYAN, but are forced back due to heavy Russian anti-tank gun fire
A bridge is built over the SARVIZ Canal allowing the Panther and Tiger of SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 to continue the advance from the area of SEREGELYES.
After another day of heavy fighting I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 enters DINNYES.

I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 advances from DINNYES South East towards AGARD, before heading North West towards GARDONNY, the Abteilung comes under Russian anti-tank gun fire from the outskirts of AGARD. Later while crossing the open terrain South of GARDONNY, the Panther come under murderous Russian anti-tank gun fire from the South and South East of their positions. During the day GARDONNY and KISVELENCE are taken.
The Panther immobilised from the 21.1.45 are recovered and towed to the workshops for repairs, those Panther still in working order become involved in heavy fighting for KAPLOSNASNYEK.
The few remaining Panther are situated in KAPLOSNASNYEK. On the 25.1.45 I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3comes under sporadic Russian air strikes.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 involved in defensive combat along with 9 Kp Tiger, North of KAPLOSNASNYEK.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 situated in KAPLOSNASNYEK.
SS-Ostuf Ernst ordered to take 210 men without tanks and form a collection party and collect new Panther in SENNELAGER. The group is sent to VESZPREM and awaits rail transport. SS-Stubaf Berlin takes command of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3.
No operational Panther, all 17 tanks are in for repair.
Elements of 4 Kp are involved in some limited action.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 along with elements of 1 Pz.Div. launch a local counter attack to the North West of JANOS MJR in order to close a gap in the Margareten Line.
The Abteilung goes over to the defensive, South West of DINNYES in readiness for a Russian attack.
SS-Stubaf Berlin takes command of SS-Pz.Rgt. 3. The Abteilung is again without a commander.
SS-Ostuf Ernst and the 210 man collection party depart VESZPREM for SENNELAGER in Germany.
22.2.45 Redeployment to the North West of SZEKESFEHERVAR, in the area of MAGYARALMAS. A rest area for the Abteilung is set up in FEHERVARCSURGO.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 is still situated in MAGYARALMAS. In MOR, rail transports arrive carrying new spare parts for the Panther.
SS-Hstuf Martins takes command of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3. Crews without Panther are formed into Infantry Squads.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 is involved in limited actions, straightening the Divisional front line.
I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 is placed under the command of I./SS-Pz.Gr.Rgt. 5 Totenkopf, by Divisional order, as the Russian start a huge attack to the North of SZEKESFEHERVAR.
Limited counter attacks in the direction of BORBALA, during the early morning. Later the Abteilung withdraws into MAGYARALMAS were it is forced into all round defence. The Abteilung´s command post is destroyed by a direct hit from Russian artillery fire, killing the Abteilung temporary commander Htpm Haas, SS-Hstuf Martins had some point been appointed commander of II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3. During the afternoon, MAGYARALMAS is given up. The remaining elements of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 withdraw into FEHERVARCSURGO.
The tankless crews, now fighting as Infantry suffer heavy losses, during the fighting for FEHERVARCSURGO.
Withdrawal from FEHERVARCSURGO, in the direction of ISZTIMER.
The wheeled elements of I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 are forced to abandon or blow up their vehicles in the area of PENZESKUT, due to the lack of fuel and mechanical brakedowns.
31.3.45 After a week of fighting on foot the Abteilung along with Versorg.Kp regroups in LANDZENKIRCHEN. At this time the Abteilung is still lacking a commander. By Divisional order, it is decided to disband I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 and integrate those remaining elements (including the Versorg.Kp) into II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3. At this time SS-Pz.Rgt 3. could field, 4 Pz IV, 2 Panther, 3 Tiger, 1 Stug III and 2 Bergepanther. SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 3 last Assault Gun had been knocked out on the 28.3.45. Thus I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3 operational life had come to an end.
The collection party sent to SENNELAGER, is placed under the command of Pz.Brig. Westfalen in Germany. On paper at least, SS-Hstuf Leibl is named as the new commander for I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 3.
25.4.45 The remaining Panzers of SS.Pz.Rgt 3 are consolidated into Kampfgruppe Neff, with 2 Panthers and 3 Panzer IVs. 2 Panthers and 2 Panzer IVs are operational.
2.5.45 2 Panthers are in reserve, situated in the village of WIESELBURG.
The remaining Panzers of Kampgruppe Neff (including the 2 Panthers) are assembled in WEITERFELDEN. There, the Panzers drive onto a sports field, and blown up by the crews, using Panzerfauste. Attempts are made to surrender to U.S Forces, but later the Americans turn over SS-T personnel to the Russians. For many former members of I/SS.Pz.Rgt 3 this starts a long period of imprisonment in the Russian Prison Camp system. The first release of Personnel formally of I/SS.Pz.Rgt 3, takes place in 1951


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